Category Archives: CentronicTech Blog

Father’s Day Gift Ideas: Wireless audio technology from SONOS

Father’s day is coming up quick and it’s time to show dear old dad how much you care.  If you’re really looking to knock is socks off this year, or simply to make amends for all the ties and polos you’ve bought him in years past, we’ve got a couple great ideas for you.  Thanks…

4 Reasons to reconsider DIY electronics installation

A recent article published by CE Pro highlights a rather humbling look at some of the worst DIY attempts at installing and customizing home electronics. You can view part 7 of the Worst DIY Installs Ever if you if you want to truly witness the carnage for yourself. Though these examples are rather amusing, poor…

Pet security systems are on the rise

In the event of an emergency or fire, the safety and protection of every member of a family is paramount. For many households, this includes accounting for the well-being of furry family members, as well as human ones, which is why the use of pet security systems is becoming a common trend. A recent survey…

Make Mothers Day a hit with Sonos wireless audio

If you are like me you’re always panicking around this time of year. My mother and wife are both very difficult to figure out when it comes to buying the right gift.  Luckily, this year SONOS made finding that gift a little easier. My wife has an Ipod that she uses 24/7.  She already enjoys the…

Wireless Driveway Monitor

I have always been interested in knowing if someone approaches my house, as we always have a car or two setting out in our driveway. In the past drive alert systems required burying cables and sensors making the installation more than the average weekend warrior could handle. A new product now available from now makes…

Not sure what new technologies are available to you?

During a recent sales call, I realized that many consumers have no idea how much cool stuff is actually available to them through the use of their tablets and mobile devices! The terms home automation and whole house audio and media distribution are phrases that many simply aren’t familiar, don’t understand and don’t necessarily connect with use…

How can SONOS change what you do?

Are you a small business owner in Michigan?  If so, you know how important it is to leave a lasting impression with your customers. Though there are a lot of ways to do this, one of the best ways is to create a memorable environment, one that makes people comfortable or excited, one that stands…

Residential Burglar and Fire Alarm System Spring Promotion

If you’ve been thinking about a burglar or fire alarm system for your home, now is the perfect time to protect your family with a state-of-the-art alarm system, and take advantage of our current burglar and fire alarm system spring promotion. Now you can put your mind at ease knowing you’re protecting your family and…

SONOS wireless music systems help enrich work culture

SONOS helps to inspire working men and women around the country everyday with its wireless music systems and HiFi music players. At the NYC offices of the digital publication, Cool Hunting, SONOS allows employees to stream music straight from their individual computers, to the rest of the office. The shared music environment allows coworkers to…

Get your SONOS zones installed FREE from Centronic Technologies Group

Have you been considering a SONOS wireless music system or player for your home or office?  Now’s the perfect time, because we’ve got a deal for you! Centronic Technologies Group is now offering free installation of your SONOS equipment when you buy three or more SONOS zones!  Check out our promotions page to learn more…


Centronic Technologies Group specializes in the installation and service of the leading brands in high-end home automation, home security and fire alarm systems and whole house audio and video technology.  We are Detroit, Michigan’s leader in Home Security and Home Automation installation and service.  

Call us at 248-473-2500 or contact us online today to to find out how we can revolutionize your home.