Put your mind at ease with our remote view options

Burglar AlarmsAs your work day draws to a close, you grab one more cup of coffee from the break room.  You’ve only got about an hour of actual work left, but there’s still a 45 minute trip commute home with traffic if you’re lucky.  Your kids will be home from school in fifteen minutes and you’re wondering if the babysitter will get to your house on time.  As your now adding a tiny bit of anxiety along with cream and sugar to your coffee, your phone vibrates.  It’s an email from your home security system with an entry notification.  Instant relief – your front door has been accessed with the specific entry code you created for your children’s babysitter.  She’s right on time…

One Response to Put your mind at ease with our remote view options
  1. […] is a natural psychic, creator of Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) protocols, astrologer and an artistPut your mind at ease with our remote view options. var analyticsFileTypes = ['']; var analyticsEventTracking = 'enabled'; var _gaq = _gaq || […]

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