Wireless Driveway Monitor

Protect your driveway... and everything in it!I have always been interested in knowing if someone approaches my house, as we always have a car or two setting out in our driveway. In the past drive alert systems required burying cables and sensors making the installation more than the average weekend warrior could handle.

A new product now available from STI-USA.com now makes installation of drive alerts quick and easy.  How?  It’s totally wireless!

My home sits at the end of a rural street that has a decent amount of traffic, which is visible just about anytime I look out the window. Our paved driveway is about 70 feet long and leads to the home at the rear of the property.  I now have a pleasant chime that rings any time a vehicle gets close to the house.

If I had only known about the STI-USA.com’s new product a few months ago, I probably wouldn’t have had to replace all of the tools that were taken from the bed of my pick-up recently!  There are a lot of quick and affordable wireless products available to make your day safer and more secure.

Sound like something you’re interested in?  Let us know!

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