4 Reasons to reconsider DIY electronics installation

A recent article published by CE Pro highlights a rather humbling look at some of the worst DIY attempts at installing and customizing home electronics. You can view part 7 of the Worst DIY Installs Ever if you if you want to truly witness the carnage for yourself. Though these examples are rather amusing, poor attempts at “do-it-yourself” electronics installation can not only be embarrassing for owners, but dangerous as well.

DIY projects are fantastic in many ways. They’re challenging and fun. They help people establish a closer and more personal relationship with their homes. They often boost a person’s pride or morale as they find themselves accomplishing things they never knew they could do. And just as important, these projects often help homeowners save money, as they remove the need to pay professionals big bucks to complete the desired work. Having some fun, accomplishing some cool tasks and saving a bit of your hard-earned cash along the way sounds too good to be true, right? For a ton of projects, there’s no better way to go then DIY if you have the time and patience.

But the thing is, putting together a picnic table, building a shed or painting a room in your home holds far less risk than tinkering with electrical outlets and wiring. When people who possess limited, or no experience with these sorts of projects attempt them, they can unwillingly endanger themselves, their home and their loved ones.

If it comes time to install electronics in your home and you’re not quite sure about where to start or what to do, consider the following:

1. Hiring a trained professional might cost more, but it will most likely save you time and money in the long run.
Consider the fact that, if you have no experience installing electronics, issues may arise from your amateur attempts, as well intentioned as they were. You may find yourself having to go back to fix mistakes multiple times, and eventually, caving and having to hire a professional to clean up your mess.

2. Hiring a trained professional will ensure your electronics not only work properly, but look nice.
Nobody wants to have guests over to watch the football game and have to have them witness this… The real pros focus not only on installing your electronics, but customizing the installations to truly fit your home and give it character.

3. Hiring a trained professional helps you cover your tracks
If there’s an issue with your electronics after professional installation, your installer will most likely come back out and resolve your issues in a timely manner. When you install electronics yourself, it’s all on you when something goes wrong.

4. Hiring a trained professional is just plain smarter and safer for your family
Don’t put saving a few bucks over the safety of your home, your belongings and your loved ones. If you don’t know how to do it right yourself, you shouldn’t be doing it yourself.

Want to learn more about professional installation of your home electronics, from home security to home theater?

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